Bay City Health Group - Osteopathy & Pilates

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Changes to Pilates Health Rebates

Changes to Pilates Health Rebates: As of 1st April 2019, the Australian government has changed what services they deem claimable through health insurance rebates. There was an extensive list of services that have been cut including Naturopathy & Homeopathy to name a couple. Unfortunately, Pilates has also been completely removed from the Health Insurance benefits scheme – meaning you will no longer be able to claim Pilates services through your Health Insurance. This affects any level of Pilates instructor and also registered health practitioners who use Pilates as part of their treatment and management – such as Physiotherapists. This is a real shame as Pilates is a form of movement and exercise which has many proven benefits.

The changes being made won’t affect us too much here at Bay City Health Group. As most of you know, our Osteopaths ran the Clinical Pilates side of things meaning that you could claim through Osteopathy. For those of you who were participating in and claiming our (previous) Clinical Pilates services you will still be able to claim – but not as Pilates. We fortunately had quite a bit of notice about this and have therefore adapted and upgraded our services, clinical notes and equipment to meet the requirements of these new changes. For those still wishing to claim – we have replaced the previous ‘Clinical Pilates with an Osteopath’ to ‘Osteopathy with Clinical Exercise’ (note the absence of the word Pilates). For those who don’t have Health Insurance - don’t worry - Clinical Pilates is still an option, you just won’t be able to claim. Also, we plan on putting on some Pilates Instructors in the near future (who will not be Osteopaths) which is why Clinical Pilates will absolutely stay as one of our services.

To be clear – we will now have 2 branches of clinical movement/exercise:

1.     Osteopathy with Clinical Exercise: (CAN claim Private Health rebates)

2.     Clinical Pilates (CAN NOT claim Private Health rebates)

If there are any questions whatsoever, please feel to call us and we will be able to clear things up.