
There are 3 ways to make a booking at Bay City Health:



1) Call to make any booking

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Ph: 03 5229 3220

For all Osteopathy, Clinical Pilates and Reformer Pilates services


2) Book Online

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Hit the button below to book online for Osteopathy and Clinical Pilates services

*If you can’t find an available spot we recommend calling reception as they can often modify the schedule to fit you in.


3) Book via our APP

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Download & book via our App for all Reformer Pilates classes.

You can easily manage your bookings, pay for classes, view the schedule and cancel if needed (providing it’s outside of our 8 hour cancellation window)

We recommend this option when booking Reformer Pilates

Click either of the icons below to download from Google Play or the Apple App Store



3b) Book Reformer Classes below:

*Yes there’s always an asterisk! For those who don’t like using Apps, or would just rather book through our website, we have a live schedule below to help you book your Reformer Pilates class.

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(if schedule doesn’t load please refresh page)

Pilates management software